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5 Causes Of Deforestation

According to the United Nations, About half of the world's tropical forests have been destroyed. The main cause of deforestation is Human nature. The World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF) has revealed that every minute, an area of 36 football fields is lost.

1.Expansion Of Agricultural Activities
Countries that practice a wide range of agriculture need large territories that allow for the development of many crops.
In addition, the growing demand for specific agriculture products has led many large-scale producers to cut down forests to make way for more land.
Cutting and burning is practiced in some countries. This process involves cutting down trees and burning them to fertilize the soil with the resulting ash.
Over time, the soil loses nutrients and farmers move to other fields.

2-Livestock Activities
Like agriculture, livestock needs large tracts of land to raise animals. Therefore, deforestation  is considered to be the best option to ensure physical size. Brazil is an example of this. Since 1990, the country has lost an impressive amount of forest land compared to the size of the US state of Texas.
3.Dementia Activities
Cultivation Activities are activities that involve the acquisition of wood and timber from the forest and the treatment of these raw materials to make other products, such as fumitory, paper, wood for construction, and other products. These activities involve deforestation of forest lands. Many companies are responsible for planting trees for each plant they are cutting. However, the damaged soil will not be the same as before: they will lose nutrients and will be more prone to erosion.

4.Expansion of Infrastructure 
The increase in population made it necessary to expand the town to accommodate all the inhabitants of the territory. This activity is one of causes of deforestation since many companies cut down the forest to build new infrastructure there.

5.Food Industry
In some cases, deforestation occurs to obtain items for the food industry. This is the case with palm trees that have been cut down for the production of edible oil.
Four Effects of Deforestation
Forests are ecosystems where various biological factors (living) and inactive (inanimate) intervene. When these areas are degraded due to deforestation, the consequences can be devastating.

1-Loss of Biodiversity
According to the National Journal Of Geography, 70% of the animals and plants live in the forest. For this reason, the loss of these areas turns into habitat loss for thousands of species.
Some animals and plants can not adapt to conditions outside their habitat, causing them to die. In some cases the species may become extinct. Other species combine with difficulties in habitats that are not their own because they are exposed to other animals and plants that are better adapted. Territorial and food competition can also lead to biodiversity loss.
2-Climate Change
Plants help control the level of carbon dioxide in the environment by absorbing it to apply photosynthesis. When the destruction cycle of this gas is changed, causing it to accumulate in the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide is an excess of greenhouse gases that form a barrier on Earth that prevents heat from escaping into outer space. As a consequence, rising environmental temperatures and climate change occur: a drop in rainfall, an increase in drought, among others.

3-Land Change 
The presence of trees makes the soil more fertile. Fallen leaves end up in soil where they decompose and provide organic matter. In addition, trees absorb most of the water from the rain, which makes the soil unsaturated. Deforestation means loss of nutrients for the soil. In addition, degraded land is vulnerable to relentless flooding. On the other hand, trees provide physical stability the soil, preventing the substrate from being carried away by wind, water, and other elements of nature. The absence of forests makes the soil vulnerable to erosion.
4-Decreas Water vapor level
Tree participate in the exchange of water vapor between the earth's surface and the atmosphere. Deforestation has contributed to a 4% decrease in water vapor, which could affect the planet's climate patterns.

  1. Onegreenplanet.Org


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